I had an idea for an alternative to the current typecheck design where the typecheck decorator doesn’t inject frames into the call stack. The downside is that you need a manual call to typecheck()
in the body.
You can get the type annotations via inspect, so you might be able to make this work with a subset of Python type annotations. A little googling turned up typeguard, which does exactly this: https://typeguard.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
This is the stack trace for the code below. With a little hacking, we could probably make the exception appear to be thrown from the call site by omitting the last two stack frames, although it wasn’t obvious how to do that. There’s Exception.with_traceback, but I couldn’t figure out how to cook up the right traceback object.
$ python3 tc.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tc.py", line 37, in <module>
File "tc.py", line 36, in g2
f(5, k=5)
File "tc.py", line 28, in f
File "tc.py", line 24, in typecheck
raise TypeError(f'in call to {code.co_name}: invalid argument for {n}: expected {t.__name__}, got: {v} of type {type(v).__name__}')
__main__.TypeError: in call to f: invalid argument for k: expected str, got: 5 of type int
import sys
import inspect
import traceback
class TypeError(Exception):
code_signature = {}
def declare(**kwargs):
def wrap(f):
code_signature[f.__code__] = kwargs
return f
return wrap
def typecheck():
frame = inspect.currentframe()
frame = frame.f_back
code = frame.f_code
locals = frame.f_locals
for n, t in code_signature[code].items():
v = locals[n]
if not isinstance(v, t):
raise TypeError(f'in call to {code.co_name}: invalid argument for {n}: expected {t.__name__}, got: {v} of type {type(v).__name__}')
@declare(a=int, k=str)
def f(a, *, k='foo'):
return a + len(k)
def g1():
def g2():
f(5, k=5)